Privacy Policy

This page and its sub-pages tell you everything you need to know about how RH Gadget Hub PLC and/or its affiliates (“RH Gadget Hub”; “we”) protect the personal data we process and control relating to you (“your personal data”; “your data”) and which rights you have in relation to the processing of your personal data. Further information on RH Gadget Hub (and, if relevant, its representatives) can be found here. Any RH Gadget Hub entity located outside the European Union will for the purposes of compliance with data privacy laws be represented by RH Gadget Hub PLC. Below, we first give a general description of how RH Gadget Hub protects your personal data. Further below, we also include specific information on the following:

  • How do we use personal data when you visit RH Gadget Hub’s website?

    RH Gadget Hub collects personal data at its websites in two ways: (1) directly (for example, when you provide personal data to sign up for a newsletter or register to comment on a forum website); and (2) indirectly (for example, through our website's technology). We may collect and process the following personal data:
    Personal data that you provide by filling in forms on our website. This includes registering to use the website, subscribing to services, newsletters and alerts, registering for a conference or requesting a white paper or further information. Pages that collect this type of personal data may provide further information as to why your personal data are needed and how it will be used. It is completely up to you whether you want to provide it. If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence. We may ask you to complete surveys that we use for research purposes, although you do not have to respond to them. Any postings, comments or other content that you upload or post to an RH Gadget Hub website. Our website collects personal data about your computer, including (where available) your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration, to filter traffic, to look up user domains and to report on statistics. Details of your visits to our website, the pages you view and resources you access or download, including but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data. Please see the Cookies section below for more information.

  • How do we use personal data when you visit RH Gadget Hub’s website?

    In addition to the information set out above, this section describes how we use personal data when you visit RH Gadget Hub offices. Please click here to receive further details on how we process your personal data when visiting our offices (this sub-page also relates to the potential processing of your personal data through CCTV and access management systems in case such CCTV and access management systems are active.) If you have any questions on data privacy or you want to let us know about website/marketing permissions, please contact us.